Seas were a
little smoother last night and I got some sleep.

It’s a bit chilly today so a windbreaker was necessary for breakfast. I had the usual breakfast but I did have a scrambled omelet with cheese (ate mostly the egg and not the cheese). I like the pager system they use to let you know when your omelet is ready.
I went over my last talk in Alfredo’s Pizzeria over an iced mocha latte. The Pizzeria has become a popular place in the morning because of the window tables. The restaurant opens at 11:00 AM and the waiters are trying to get the place ready while dealing with computer folks at every table. Ellen joined me around 10:00 AM but quickly headed to the Michelangelo Restaurant for their end of cruise “Clearance Sale”.
She came back a few minutes later with some stuff including two long sleeve pullovers for me. It was cold so I tried one on right away but eventually decided to return that one. I’m keeping the other. I also went to the sale and found two nice colorful Mexico T-shirts and a very nice Mexico cap. Each item was $4.99 (although I saw the cap in the store reduced to $12.99. I am keeping these items.
We had an early lunch/late breakfast in Horizon Court – omelets – so I could get to the Theater in time for my talk at 12:15 PM.
My final talk of this cruise, “DNA Testing: Cold Cases Solved”, drew the largest audience of the series. The rough attendance estimate was around 500 people (theater capacity 700).

The talk went well – I had rearranged some items and added some new stuff – and ended right at the 45 minute time point. Several audience participation moments were fun and there were some spontaneous claps throughout and a nice farewell round of applause. I consider this a successful lecture series.
I spent over a half hour talking to people after the session – this was a lot of fun.
People wanted me to post the Forensic TV shows and Books I am reading on my Facebook Page. Why not?
We spent the afternoon looking around for a semi-quiet place to sit and read – it was too cold outside so we settled for the seats on Deck 7. That worked out until some very loud and chatty passengers sat in the next seats prompting us to find another location in the same general area.
Without changing our clothes (tonight is formal night 3), we had dinner in the Pizzeria. I finally got the pizza made with extra sauce but I think that will do it for Pizza on this cruise. After dinner, we went to the room so I could change into long pants and go to the show later.
While Ellen was in EFFY looking at shiny things, I was sitting in the Crooners Lounge waiting for her. A man from Champagne IL came over and said he owned a radio station and wanted to do a five minute interview with me about my DNA talks. I was hesitant at first but we agreed to meet tomorrow at One5 at 3:15 PM – he would record our session on his phone and it would air next week. He said he would send me a copy via email. That would be a first.
We went upstairs to Horizon Court for dessert and coffee and two elderly folks from my talks came over and sat with us. She said she had a DNA question but ended up telling us her family history. It was very interesting but they stayed past the start of tonight’s “Born to Dance” Production Show. So instead of seeing some dancing, we went to the cabin and read our books.
The captain told us earlier that we would be arriving about three hours late into Ensenada (now around 7 PM and only staying two and half hours. Because it will be dark, we are probably now going to get off the ship.
The seas smoothed out a bit but they are hinting at a lumpy comeback.

It’s a bit chilly today so a windbreaker was necessary for breakfast. I had the usual breakfast but I did have a scrambled omelet with cheese (ate mostly the egg and not the cheese). I like the pager system they use to let you know when your omelet is ready.
I went over my last talk in Alfredo’s Pizzeria over an iced mocha latte. The Pizzeria has become a popular place in the morning because of the window tables. The restaurant opens at 11:00 AM and the waiters are trying to get the place ready while dealing with computer folks at every table. Ellen joined me around 10:00 AM but quickly headed to the Michelangelo Restaurant for their end of cruise “Clearance Sale”.
She came back a few minutes later with some stuff including two long sleeve pullovers for me. It was cold so I tried one on right away but eventually decided to return that one. I’m keeping the other. I also went to the sale and found two nice colorful Mexico T-shirts and a very nice Mexico cap. Each item was $4.99 (although I saw the cap in the store reduced to $12.99. I am keeping these items.
We had an early lunch/late breakfast in Horizon Court – omelets – so I could get to the Theater in time for my talk at 12:15 PM.
My final talk of this cruise, “DNA Testing: Cold Cases Solved”, drew the largest audience of the series. The rough attendance estimate was around 500 people (theater capacity 700).

The talk went well – I had rearranged some items and added some new stuff – and ended right at the 45 minute time point. Several audience participation moments were fun and there were some spontaneous claps throughout and a nice farewell round of applause. I consider this a successful lecture series.
I spent over a half hour talking to people after the session – this was a lot of fun.
People wanted me to post the Forensic TV shows and Books I am reading on my Facebook Page. Why not?
We spent the afternoon looking around for a semi-quiet place to sit and read – it was too cold outside so we settled for the seats on Deck 7. That worked out until some very loud and chatty passengers sat in the next seats prompting us to find another location in the same general area.
Without changing our clothes (tonight is formal night 3), we had dinner in the Pizzeria. I finally got the pizza made with extra sauce but I think that will do it for Pizza on this cruise. After dinner, we went to the room so I could change into long pants and go to the show later.
While Ellen was in EFFY looking at shiny things, I was sitting in the Crooners Lounge waiting for her. A man from Champagne IL came over and said he owned a radio station and wanted to do a five minute interview with me about my DNA talks. I was hesitant at first but we agreed to meet tomorrow at One5 at 3:15 PM – he would record our session on his phone and it would air next week. He said he would send me a copy via email. That would be a first.
We went upstairs to Horizon Court for dessert and coffee and two elderly folks from my talks came over and sat with us. She said she had a DNA question but ended up telling us her family history. It was very interesting but they stayed past the start of tonight’s “Born to Dance” Production Show. So instead of seeing some dancing, we went to the cabin and read our books.
The captain told us earlier that we would be arriving about three hours late into Ensenada (now around 7 PM and only staying two and half hours. Because it will be dark, we are probably now going to get off the ship.
The seas smoothed out a bit but they are hinting at a lumpy comeback.
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