Cabo San Lucas to Puntarenas, Costa Rica: 1692 Nautical Miles (20.3 knots)
A beautiful day in Puntarenas (“Sandy Point”), Costa Rica. We are not on any tours today (we have done just about all the tours from this port), so we plan to walk around the town to see how it has changed since we were last here. After all of the sea days, it is good to walk on non-moving surfaces again. Also, it is always interesting to see what the beach side vendors have to offer.
The calm waters of the Bay of Nicoya can be seen from the ship – perhaps some volcanoes in the distance also dot the horizon.

Bay of Nicoya
Getting to the town from the ship involves walking the extremely long pier – the little train that transports people back and forth from the ship is not yet running so we walk (quickly since there is no shade on the pier).

The Long Pier to the Town

The Golden Princess from the Pier
Although it is a nice day, there are few people on the beach. From the pier you can see the length and breadth of the Puntarenas peninsula (below)

Our only stop in the town was at a new supermarket to buy some bottle water (about a dollar but we got back some CR coins). We then walked through the town and back to the beach area. We passed a park complete with statues (not in the greatest shape) and a church. This is where I used to go to get WiFi but now my carrier is supplying worldwide data and text so I don’t have to deal with a very hot and musty WiFi center anymore.

Park with WiFi store at Right
Back at the beach – this time on the other side of the pier, we not only could get good pictures of the ship but we also noticed piles of wood on the beach. We were not sure what these wood piles were but they were organized and spaced out in an orderly fashion.
Shooter Getting Shot
At the Pier
Me and the Golden Princess Docked
Golden Princess and Wood Piles on the Beach
We returned to the ship and found a nice place on deck to read and look at the scenery.
After dinner, we went to the Vista Lounge to watch the Singers and Dancers perform “Words and Music” – standards and musical theater numbers. The small venue worked and the show was entertaining.
“Words and Music”
We have found a new quiet place to read and listen to soft music. Orphea with lead singer, Pascale Guertin, plays nightly in the Wheelhouse Lounge. She is under amped so you can listen and read at the same time. Her song selections are great – standards to show tunes, to Spanish and French songs. Our place, at last.
