Slept like a rock until 5 AM and then went back to sleep until the breakfast came at 7:30 AM (early). I had the scrambled eggs and toast plus the O’Brian Potatoes that comes with all the eggs. It was OK. Ellen had the omelet but the peppers continue to invade the dish. I had some coffee but it was not as good as the first time but still quite good.
The best news of the day was that Suzanne at Cunard called
to get our flight requirements. I told
her that LAX was a fair distance from here and to try and not make those
flights too early. I should also mention that our return flights on United were
cancelled by Cunard (could not find them anymore on the UA app). Secondly, Suzanne said someone from Metro Cruise
Services here in San Pedro would call us about picking up our meds at Walgreens. Jennifer from Metro Cruise Services did call
and I emailed her the Walgreen’s information as well as the need to find test
kits we would need to monitor our condition.
She indicated she would take care of it.
An interesting note: The Metro Cruise Service facility is located at Pier
93 in San Pedro, the terminal that our ship docked at when we disembarked.
I had the Cesar Salad for lunch and Ellen had a grilled
cheese and tomato sandwich. We are going
to get tired of these offerings.
She emailed me and told me they had located test kits at
Rite Aid and would get them to us. One
of their agents called me a little while ago from Walgreens indicating he had
everything and would be bringing it to the hotel. And I just got a call (2:00 PM) that he had
dropped everything off at the hotel. We
now have enough of four of the five medications that are critical and six test
kits for rapid antigen testing. What a great job Metrocruiseservices did in getting us what we needed.
I started a new Spenser Novel – “Cheap Shot”, which I
accessed from the library back home.
We are going to try something new for dinner tonight –
fish tacos. They looked great but the
Chipotle Sauce (already on the taco) was muy
caliente so I was only able to eat two of the three tacos. I also do not really know what fish they used
in the taco. Not familiar – cod
maybe. We’ll have to ask before we order
that again. I had half a chocolate chip
cookie and some decaf coffee as the antidote. BTW, the Doubletree Hotel is the place that never runs out of chocolate chip cookies - you can get them with every meal and anytime by stopping at the front desk - and, yes, they are YUMMY.
We are actually watching HGTV at the moment – almost feels
like home.
We also tried to watch “Dear Evan Hansen” but we didn’t
really need a depressing movie at this time so we switched it off.
Still trying to transfer one med from Illinois to the
Walgreen’s near here – it may be too late at this point so I am trying to
figure out a workaround.
More reading until lights out a little earlier tonight – 10:15 PM.
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