Embarkation Day Cruise 2
Even though a lot of people are up and ready to get off the ship, there is not much of a crowd up in Windows Café, when I got up there. It doesn’t rain here in the Lima area but every surface on the back deck was wet – as if it has been sprayed down – due to the humidity. I ignored the noise (idling trucks and cranes are constantly in the background)
and had a nice breakfast
of pancakes, chocolate syrup, maple syrup, banana slices, and walnuts – along
with two eggs over medium. The food of
the gods.
At 10:30 AM, we went to the Cabaret Lounge to turn in our old room cards and get our new
ones. Well, we did the first part, but
the new cards were not in the envelopes.
A crew member was sent to fetch them.
Our new photos were taken, and I checked the keys, and they did work – we
are in the same cabin. That is certainly a bonus - first of all, it's a quiet cabin and secondly, we don't have to gather our stuff and move.
A long day followed – Ellen went off ship to buy some chatkes from the vendors on the pier.
I spent the day updated the trip log and
reading my second Robert Crais novel
(I am reading them in order), “Stalking
the Angel”. I really like this
author because his PI, Elvis Cole, is even snarkier than Spenser.
Had some great Teriyaki Salmon for lunch in Windows. The best salmon so far on this cruise. Passengers are not allowed to get their own
food yet – isn’t it great to be back worrying about Norovirus rather than
COVID. Well, we are still worried about
COVID, so we are wearing our masks in elevators and around a lot of people.
More reading and watching the ships unloading tons and
tons of grain and sand. Not much else to
see from the ship.
We had dinner in the Windows
Café where the Teriyaki Salmon was now called Salmon with Beurre Blanc. It was still good in its new alias and the
side dishes were two kinds of creamy potatoes, which were also very good.
The Super Bowl is being broadcast in the Cabaret Lounge
(along with popcorn and drinks) but after dinner, we went to hear East Pearl in
the Living Room instead. They did a great 45-minute set which
finished up at 9 PM.
To the room.
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