Distance from Cabo San Lucas to Los Angeles: 812 Nautical Miles
Total Distance Travelled: 5,104 Nautical Miles (5,874 Statute Miles)
Back in Los Angeles on a cloudy cool day…
Our flight today is at 1:30 PM so there is no real rush to get off the ship. We managed to get in the final group debarking.
Back in San Pedro (Los Angeles Port)
We hopped the Princess bus to LAX – about a 45 minute ride to the airport from the pier – we only encountered traffic once we got into the airport complex.
Welcome to the LAX
We got to the United Terminal in plenty of time. We found some comfortable seats to read and start this blog. There were chargers available so we were all set.
Lunch consisted of stuff from the ship and some LAX pricey chips and drinks – our normal fare.
Our plane was at the gate on time – UA1211 (737-900) – we don’t have status on United and I didn’t want to pay for Economy Plus seats so we are in regular seats 31C and D. I am preparing to hold my breath for almost four hours.
UA1211 getting ready
As it turned out, the seats were not that tight and the flight was very comfortable.
Soon, we were home…
A wonderful, warm, and successful cruise on our old friend, the Pacific Princess.
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