Sunday, July 7, 2024

June 20, 2024 – At Sea – Pacific Ocean – Cloudy – Raining – 80sF

A wet and dreary day in the alleged Pacific Ocean.

During the sail away from Acapulco, storm clouds were already brewing.  On the plus side, while the weather is still nasty, the ship’s movement is not as severe.

After breakfast, I went to hear a talk on AI at the "Computer University" (CU) Room (Deck 7 midships).  I stayed for most of it but knew most of the information so I left a little early.  The instructor was dealing with internet connection issues so his presentation went black several time over the session.

We had lunch in Tastes.  We both ordered mashups of their salads.  Ellen had the Chinois Salad – No chicken, sub un-blackened Salmon; I had the Cesar Salad – no shrimp, sub blackened Salmon.  They were both great along with diet Cokes. 

It was a nasty day outside, so we spent the day inside in Palm Court. It’s comfortable and you can check out the ocean without getting wet. 

At 3 PM, I went to the Odyssey in Art Class on Deck 12 Aft – today, we are using stamp pads to transfer water color to our paper.  That sets up an interesting background and then you paint your scene on top of that.  I did what I thought was Los Arcos but Lydia and Amy said it looked more La Quebrada, the cliff diving venue in Acapulco.

Our special meals today included veal chops for Ellen and a good old American Hamburger for me.  The veal chops were OK but they were very fatty; my hamburger was actually two thin burgers, cooked perfectly, and super good.  I guess it was a Kosher Whopper or Big Mack or whichever one has the two patties.  It was delicious down to the last bite.

Tonight’s Headliner is Whitney Houston Tribute Singer, Stephani Parker.  I checked out the archives and several years ago, she was on a ship with us and we passed on her show.  She said that she wasn’t going to do an impression of Whitney Houston but just sing the songs that she loved by the artist.  Instead, she spent too much time pandering for applause (“Can I get some noise”) and vamping.  One of her vamps was so long that I lost interest in the song that I actually couldn’t figure due to the long vamp.  She had a good voice and would have been better off just singing Whitney’s ballads.  You can’t go wrong with that.  We only made it through about three songs and we were gone.

The seas are calmer tonight.

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