Friday, January 24, 2025

December 29, 2024 – Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala – hazy warm – 78

Puerto Quetzal is Guatemala’s largest Pacific Port.  We have been here before but I am curious as to the improvements made to the Tourist Complex, which is right across from where the ship docks.  It is a heavy duty commercial port and the most unattractive port next to Caldera.  At least, Caldera had volcanoes in the distance.

There's some kind of recreation area on a strip of land connected by a bridge.  Couldn't find it on Google Maps.

It's a lazy, hazy day in Guatemala.

The Windows Café opens at 6:30 AM this morning to accommodate guests on early excursions.  I learned my lesson from the last early port and went up at 7:30 AM and found the place relatively empty.  I got my coffee, ordered a single pancake (always get two - maritime law) and cottage cheese and sour cream.  I also had a spoonful of scrambled eggs with feta a spinach.  The breakfast was good.  When I went to get my second cup of coffee, the waiter had cleared my table even though my coffee cup and magazine were still there. I recovered my breakfast and finished it with a new cup of coffee.  These waiters are a little too quick sometimes - I can understand turning tables over but it is best to let people finish their food.

Real time 9:09 AM.

We went off the ship to the Tourist Terminal to see if they had done anything with it since we were here last.  The free Wi-Fi was no longer free and was run by the Margarita Hut.  It was only 10 AM and a little early for a margarita.  We walked through the grounds and took a picture with the Guatemala Sign 

and the big cat in the Tourist Center.  

We picked up some free  advertising Guatemala as well. 

We also visited a Jade store - jade is very big in Guatemala.  A lot of the passengers are going to Antigua, a town up in the mountains - there's a jade museum up there.  In this store, the neatest thing was the menorah at the checkout counter.

We went back to the ship – it was getting hot in a hurry.  

I took a picture of the ship with the idea that I could spot our cabin - we are on the port side about a third of the way to Midships.  Still not sure which one is ours.  

We stayed on the open deck until lunch.  We ate inside because of the humidity and heat.  I had some pizza, some pretty good creamy pasta, a small salad, and a Corona Beer. 

In the past, this port was where a lot of the crew  would have lunch at some local restaurant - (specifically, the Pacific Princess crew on our Bird Flu cruise with Sammy Baker) . While on Deck 5, I did see a lot of crew headed across the bridge.  In fact, on that "Love Boat" cruise, I had some urgent banking to do and did it in that restaurant (where the Wi-Fi used to be free) while watching Sammy e al. chowing down on burgers.  I don't recall seeing the restaurant in our walk around but we didn't cover everywhere.  

Back on the open deck for most of the afternoon and the rest of the time in The Living Room to cool off.

Dinner was challenging tonight. Upstairs it was “Taste of Japan” and in the Dining Room, the pasta was mixed in with seafood.  Our waitress said that the pasta was baked with the seafood so it was not available.  We settle on the veggie option, which was the Polenta. Usually, polenta comes in a bowl with mushrooms but this was fried and cut into triangles.  It was OK.  We then went upstairs to check out the Japanese options.  All I could find was the fried rice, which looked like Spanish Rice, but along with some chive/soy sauce was OK.  A couple of rolls with butter and a decaf (from a tube) rounded out tonight’s dinner.

We waited in the Den for the door of the Cabaret Lounge to open for Darren one-man show.  It turns out that there is only one show tonight and that was at 9 PM.  We stayed in the den listening to Bob Styles and then got our usual seats in the lounge.  We ordered two White Russians. 

I had seen Darren’s Show on the first cruise, but lucky for me, he included some new songs in this set.  He did a great job on “This is the Moment” 

and “The Music of the Night”.

He likes doing Neil Diamond and included "September Morn"

and wrapped it all up with a great version of “Time to Say Goodbye”.  He does have a terrific voice and puts on a great show (he didn’t take a drink of water the whole show).  I was surprised that there wasn’t an overflow crowd at this show like we have seen when Tony, Erik, or Russ have their shows.

It was late and we were tired and we headed for the room.  Thank goodness there is no time change tonight.

Seas are smooth.

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