Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - Cozumel, Mexico – Partly Cloudy - 77F

Nice and warm in Cozumel.  The plan today is find a nice spa and get a massage at a reasonable price.  The Cozumel Massage Studio is just a five minute walk and we had wonderful massages with hot stones (70 minutes / $50).  Clean, bright place with friendly therapists.

We went back to the ship early to relax and read.

We went to Michael’s Club to hear Will and noticed that Hannah (Bornstein?) and Ryan, two of the Celebrity Singers, were in attendance.  It turned out that they sang along with Will as part of the set.  I was able to get a picture of Hannah (Ryan was in the dark – no photo possible).  They were both great especially Ryan, who sang a half dozen songs (all very well done).

Hannah and Will 2 (Small)

Point of Info:  Will’s folks were on board and Will’s dad attended my talks and was very interactive (knew all of the answers).

Pedometer": 8060 steps /3.82 mi / 391 cal / 1 hr 55 min

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