Another beautiful day at sea…
Didn’t sleep all that well – up at 3 AM. I suspect that the Decaf coffee I had a dinner was actually the full octane variety. Always a mystery with the Decaf…
NEWS FLASH – I found the cottage cheese in the breakfast buffet. At least, it wasn’t on the last day of the cruise. It looks like Waffles and Cottage Cheese for breakfast for most of the remaining breakfasts.
I arrived at the Safari Club at 9:30 AM so that I could work with Raymond to correct the video projection. He changed the resolution and aspect ratio in the Control Panel, which apparently did the trick. Today’s attending was in excess of 200 people. The time change made for a more reserved session but the attendees still participated in the session. A number of folks stayed after to chat and ask questions. The feedback has been very positive so far.
We had lunch today in the Windjammer Cafe – I put together a fish sandwich (tasted exactly like a McD’s Fish Fillet) and also had a tuna wrap and tastes of sides. We got some desserts from the Sea View Cafe and had them on the back deck. It was nice and warm (see below).
At 2:00 PM, I attend the “Longitude Talk” given by Ted Poulton. From there, it is another afternoon in the Solarium (below) for puzzles and reading.
After dinner in the Windjammer Cafe, we caught the tail end of the 7:00 PM show – Craig Richard, a sax player.
We took in Lyn MacKay in the Schooner Bar who was at the top of her game tonight. I really liked her version of “It’s almost if we never said goodbye”. She’s started to pick up fans so there are more people requesting songs.
At 10:45 PM (yes, really), we are in the Coral Theater to hear Rich Ceisler do his late night comedy routine. He was still funny just talking off the cuff about his career and what annoys him.
Another forward time change tonight so I expect to be a zombie in the morning.
The Cruise Compass has my talk advertised on the front page. I wonder if this will bring in additional attendees.
Seas are still calm.
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