A much cooler day at sea…
Can’t dally this morning because my next talk (number 8) is at 10:00 AM. Morning talks are not usually well attended but we will see.
“Life and Death of Pharaohs”, one of the more complicated talks, drew a very good crowd - more than 90 percent full (some people standing in the back) – the only seats not filled were in the front at the side where it was difficult to see the screen – the attendance was approximately 600 plus people. I checked with some passengers later and they told me the talk was not confusing at all.
We had pretty much the rest of the day to ourselves – reading and hanging out.
At 5:00 PM, we went to the Friday Night Service (after being chided that we missed a well attended service a week ago). There was another pretty good turnout – the service was led by one of the passengers and the ship provided pamphlets. Of course, it was great to get some authentic Manischewitz wine and Challah.
Dinner was in the Dining Room.
Tribute to Beatles – Atrium
The rest of the evening was spent listed to Orphea in the Wheelhouse Lounge and reading.
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